

  • On 5 Feb | '2021

Greetings Loyal Airmen, well even though Airship 27 presents ALL STAR PULP COMICS Vol 6 is out, it has yet to arrive at the retail on-line site, Indy Planet. Trust that when it does the Air Chief will let all of you know and share that link.


Meanwhile our copies arrived in the mail this week. These are being put away for when we are back to conventions. Got to love that amazing Mike Belcher cover.


On the writing front, earlier this week the Air Chief finished his newest story, “The Last Trail.” It is our fictionalize telling of famed Oklahoma Lawman Bass Reeves’ final case. After thirty-two years of traveling through the Territories, and bringing in over 3,000 outlaws, Reeves learned that his oldest son, Benjamin, had in a fit of rage shot and murdered his own wife. Whereas none of the other Deputy Marshals wanted to go after him, Reeves personally demanded the warrant from Muskogee Marshal Leo Bennett and rode after Bennie. “The Last Trail” tells that heart-wrenching story. It is being to submitted to Pre So Production, owned and operated by Tommy Hancock. If accepted and published, we’ll be sure to let you know where and when. This was our third Bass Reeves tale.


Another piece of good news we want to share. This week, both Valerie and the Air Chief received their first Covid 19 vaccine shot here in Fort Collins. We have to wait 21 days before we can get the second, which will be the 25th of the month. Needless to say we drove home from the hospital very happy and feeling a whole lot safer. It’s our wish that all you Loyal Airmen will be vaccinated and eventually we can all start socializing again. Thank God.

Ron – Over & Out!

EN GARDE!! arrow-right
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