

  • On 3 Apr | '2020

Greetings Loyal Airmen, once again we hope and pray all of you are being smart and staying healthy and safe. We truly support our President and the CDC’s advise on social distancing and continual safe hygiene ala washing hands often. One of the amusing aspects of all this is the fact that working at home is really nothing new for the Air Chief. As most of writing and drawing colleagues will tell you, this is pretty much our regular lifestyle. Sure, the going out to find groceries can be a bit challenging, but overall we’re maintaining a positive attitude and suggest you strong do the same.

Co-Pg(28)EPSON MFP image

In that vein, we’ve been delighted to see two of our current comic book projects starting to move along at a quicker pace now that these two artists are in their offices longer hours.  At upper left in full color is a page from the long awaited BLACK LION # 3 by artist Kevin A. Johnson with colors by Arrick Church. Then we have an outer space scene from the new black and white adventure BULLDOZER being drawn by our dear friend, Jon Bonjour. Jon’s finished ten pages of issue # 1 and at this rate could see both books out by mid-summer. All fingers crossed.


We are also happy to announce the release of our latest pulp novel, WU DANG – Exile of the Wanderer by Barbara Doran. This is the second book in the series featuring a Chinese martial artist named Yi Xiao now living in Old California during the Gold Rush days. He’s also part magician and his adventures pit him against all manner of weird and bizarre characters. It’s really a fun series. Gary Kato provides the interior illustrations and Art Director did the gorgeous cover above. As ever available in paperback from Amazon and soon on Kindle.

And there you have it for this week, Loyal Airmen. As ever thanks for stopping by and please, be safe out there.

Ron – Over & Out!

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