- On 15 Sep | '2023
Greetings Loyal Airmen. As most of you dog owners already know, puppies grow super fast and such as been the case with our golden lab, Boomer.
As you can see from the photo above, he’s getting to be a big boy. And of course as you’d imagined, he’s really spoiled around here. Ha.
Much to my surprise and delight, artist Jesse Thomas sent me the roughs to the last 13 pages of The Crimson Nun #1. The Air Chief has looked at all of these closely and they are simply fantastic, totally the scenes as we envisioned while writing the script. Hang in there Loyal Airmen and fans of Antarctic Press we’ve got a winner coming your way.
As most of you Loyal Airmen are already aware, Bass Reeves was the greatest lawman ever to operate out of the west during the post-Civil War era. He captured over 3,000 outlaws in a 30 yr career, was never wounded once, and survived several major gunfights. All of this took place in the badlands of what we now call Oklahoma. In a few months Bass’s story is coming to television in the form of a an 8 week series created and written by Taylor Sheridan, the fellow behind the popular series Yellowstone. So we thought to get you Loyal Airmen ready for looks to be a terrific western saga, we’d remind you that Airship 27 has been one of the biggest Bass Reeves boosters for over a decade and already in our catalog,we have five “Bass Reeves – Frontier Marshal” anthologies all still available at Amazon in paperback and on Kindle. And oh yeah, we are currently assembling Vol 6. Giddy up, cowboys..and cowgirls! Oh, and for the record, Bass Reeves was never the inspiration for the Lone Ranger. That was a lie put forth by a biographer of Reeves to sell more copies of his book.
Whereas we really didn’t have all that much new stuff to report on this week, we thought it might be fun to share with you Loyal Airmen to of the original covers for Volume One when printed by the late Caliber Press. Art by my Green Hornet pal Jeff Butler. As for Vol Two now in production, Rob Davis is drawing issue # 2 and the Air Chief is writing the script for issue # 3. How long will the series be? Honestly don’t have an answer save, as long as it tells us to tell the entire story. Stay tuned.
Ron – Over & Out!