Greetings Loyal Airmen, well here we are full on into the Christmas Advent season and as expected things are starting to get hectic. Here’s hope all of you can take each day one at a time; relish the this festive time and have fun with it.

A while back we let you know about the fun comic project the Air Chief launched with artists Ben Dunn and Gary Kato. As most of you know, Gary, is the co-creator of Mr. Jigsaw, our comedy super-hero that we publish via Rob Davis’ Redbud Studio. Whereas Tomorrow Girl is Ben Dunn’s creation and he tells her adventures via his own Antarctic Press out of Texas. So what happened is Ben suggested the Air Chief write a Tomorrow Girl issue wherein Mr. Jigsaw would guest-star. We liked the idea and did just that. Then having finished the script, we realized the story gave both heroes 50/50 time in the spotlight and could just as easily be an issue of Mr. Jigsaw. Hmm…? An issue drawn by Gary. One script from which we’d get two comics, each telling the exact same story, but from the unique interpretation of each artist. Above is the cover by Ben at left. To the right is Gary’s cover. Gary has finished his issue, and we hope to have it on-sale at ( within the next few months. No worries, Loyal Airmen, we’ll let you know when you can order it. And we’ll do the same when Ben completes and publishes his version via Antarctic Press. Imagine having both issues in front of you, side by side, and comparing the art on each page. Fingers crossed, you Loyal Airmen will get a big kick out of this.

This past Tuesday Val had her right knee replaced at the Orthopedic Surgery Center in Loveland, CO. As many of your Loyal already know, she had the left done this time last year. Happily surgery’s surgery went as well as that, and now she’s on the mend with a six week recovery ahead of her. Meaning daily therapy to get that new knee working properly. We are so proud of her and thrilled that after thirty years of suffering, the arthritis in those joints is now gone forever. Thank you all those wonderful doctors and nurses who took such good care of us, and of course Our Lord Jesus Christ who blesses us daily.

Funding campaign enters final weeks. As of this writing, we are less than to weeks away from the close of our Go Fund My Comic campaign. We’ve only 11 days left to raise $411. Working on this six issue mini-series with artists Andrea Bormida and Mike Belcher is been tons of fun. Keep in mind, the Air Chief cut his writing teeth on such other sci-comics such as Terminator and Gene Roddenberry’s Lost Universe. We love sci-fi. “Beyond the Stars” as been the highlight in that regards and we are damn proud of these first four issues. We’re anxious to add book # 4 to those above here. And don’t forget, at this writing, Andrea has already penciled nearly half of issue # 5. With fingers crossed that, and the final issue # 6 will be out next year, wrapping up the story. We hope you Loyal Airmen will stick along for that conclusion.

Finally, the Air Chief wants to give a big, warm shout-out to our two amazing friends, Michael & Donna Housel. Michael’s an Airship 27 writer and every year, no matter how we protest, he and his wife Donna send us a wonderful Christmas. And it’s traditionally the first we receive. This year was no exception, and knowing my career, they usually surprise us with something we are truly fond us. So the theme in this package was Popeye the Sailor, gifting us with a jewelry case boat with Popeye and Olive Oil on board, an Olive & Popeye salt-&-pepper shaker set….and last but not least, Popeye socks!!! Believe me, Loyal Airmen, the Air Chief has been smiling crazily all afternoon. Thanks Michael & Donna, God bless you both.
Ron – Over & Out!!