
Welcome to Airship 27

My name is Ron Fortier, and I have been a professional writer for over forty-five years. I have worked on comic book projects such as The Hulk, Popeye, Rambo and Peter Pan. With my two most popular comic series being The Green Hornet and The Terminator (with Alex Ross). With Ardath Mayhar I penned two TSR fantasy novels, and in 2001 I had my first play, a World War II romantic comedy, produced.

This site serves as a portfolio of the work I’ve done to date, as a showcase for projects in the works, and as home for my online Journal (below), which will be updated frequently.

I am currently writing and producing pulp novels and short stories for various publishers and have several movie scripts floating around Hollywood looking for a home, and if that isn’t enough, I also have a review column at the website.

A devoted grandfather of six, at 75, I am thrilled to be part of the new web-comic evolution. Part of this joy is in the realization of a life long dream, that of becoming a pulp writer.

Thanks for visiting, and enjoy your stay.


7 Feb | '2025
Greetings Loyal Airmen, well our second week of the Hamlet’s End kickstarter is in progress and donations have slowed down to a trickle. Hoping that changes in the days and weeks ahead. One of the perks available to all of you will be the chance to have an original art piece of yourself made as an authentic Wanted Poster courtesy of artist Zane DeGaine. You can be on a wanted poster. Wow.
( Check it out at this link.


We are still a ways off, but thought it prudent to remind all you Loyal Airmen that every year our Chief Engineer and Airship 27 Art Director, Rob Davis, is a guest at Planet Comicon in Kansas City. He considers it his “home” con much like the Nov. Rocky Mountain Con in Denver is ours. So he’s already whipped up a promo piece (above) and we’re only too happy to share it with you. If any of you Loyal Airmen have plans to be in the Kansas City area during that time frame, we urge you to make plans to attend this really great con and to meet Rob. Even get him draw a sketch for you. You’ll be glad you did.


At the same time, artist Andrea Bormida and colorist Angelo, are working feverishly on “Beyond the Stars” Issue #5. And the action continues to heat up as the Science Warrior search other dimensions for the three powerful solar batteries to arm the alien mother-ship. Stay tuned, Loyal Airmen.

FINALLY – This week’s entry is a short one. The Air Chief is hoping in another week or so, we’ll announce the shipping out of issue # 4 of “Beyond the Stars” that wrapped up it’s funding campaign at the end of last year. Anxious to get those copies into the hands of all of you who continue to support us. Meanwhile, at last count, we’d gotten $750 for the western Kickstarter. Meaning we still have $2,250 to raise before March 7th. Seems like an insurmountable mountain to climb, but then the Air Chief was born an optimist. Who knows, maybe we’ll win the lottery before then. One can always dream.

RON – Over & Out?