
Greetings Loyal Airmen, recently our good pal, artist Mike Belcher took it up himself to make July his personal Tribute to Independent Comics month. Like the Air Chief, Mike believes the best, most original comics being produced today, around the country, aren’t coming from the big publishers at all but from the small outfits like his own AMK comics, Silverline Comics, Redbud Studio and many other such.

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As we said above, it’s where the Air Chief does all his comics these days.  Anyways, Mike is doing a pin-up sketch of an independent comic book character every single day of this month to the end of making more people aware of the great comics out there you many have never heard of before.


And to get the ball rolling last Friday morning, Mike this this brand new Mr. Jigsaw illustration which we love. It’s just great. If you are on Facebook, you’ll hopefully be seeing all the other great pieces he’s doing. Thanks again, Mike. You rock!



This is the movie we’d been waiting to see and now that it is here, we urge all of you to please go see it. Human trafficking is real, it is slavery on a scale the world has never known before. All the nations of the world must unite to end it forever. “God’s children are not for sale.”



In writing the mini-series comic “The Crimson Nun” the Air Chief opted to set it against an actual historical time frame of the late 1930 into the start of World War II. To that end, we’ve incorporated some historical figures such as Pope Pius XI (seen above) and his role in the birth of our hero. Stay tuned.



And finally we thought we’d leave you this week with a couple of illustration peeks from two new anthologies we are now producing at Airship 27.  “The Challenger Chronicles” is our first anthology featuring Arthur Conan Doyle’s other hero, Prof. George Challenger. Artist Clayton Hinkle is doing a bang up job with the illos for that one (see above left). Then we have our second collection of “The Phantom Detective” a classic old pulp hero, and on board to illustrate that one (above right) is veteran artist Kevin Paul Shaw Broden. Trust me, Loyal Airmen, our artists make our books sing. Will keep updated on the progress of each title and when they are finished and available.

Till then, as ever, thanks for stopping by and we’ll see you back here next Friday.  God bless.

Ron – Over & Out!

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