

  • On 1 Apr | '2016

Greetings Loyal Airmen, we pray all of you had a wonderful Easter last weekend.  And even as we were celebrating this Holy holiday, we actually managed to get out our third Airship 27 Productions pulp title of the month.


Fittingly enough that book was THE DAGGER MAN (A Novel of the Clay Shamus) by Michael Panush.  It’s the first in series wherein a Jewish rabbi creates a life-like golem who becomes the synagogue’s protector as well as a private eye.  Believe us, this is one original action packed thriller.  Assisting Michael’s original story was artist Zachary Brunner who provided all the art for this book, the 9 black and white interior pieces and the stunning cover you see above.  As usual you can pick this up at Amazon in both hard copy and on Kindle and eventually it will be available as an audio book. We told you the old Airship 27 was going to fly to new heights in 2016. This is only the beginning.


As most of you know the Air Chief is currently writing his fifth Captain Hazzard – Champion of Justice pulp novel and hopes to have it out by the end of summer. Well imagine our surprise when fan Randy Shilling went and tool a Mego toy and customized it into a one-of-a-kind Captain Hazzard action figure.  He sent us the cool photo above.  Way to go, Randy!  That’s our hero, Captain Hazzard!


A while back the Air Chief told you about the new Captain Jain Marlee 6 pg comic strip he’d written along with the amazing art of Luis Rivera. With the strip finished, Warren Montogomery did the lettering and is now grayscaling the black and white version while Luis sent out the pages to a colorist friend. Here’s a look at the original character sketch first done now in vibrant color.  We love this and can’t wait to see the rest of the strip colored. Though we as yet have no idea where that version will ultimately appear.  We’ll keep you posted.


And finally, as we are now into April, Rob and the Air Chief will be recording episode #14 of the Airship 27 Podcast this coming Monday evening, the April 4th. So if there’s any question you would like have answered about Airship 27 Productions’ plans for the year etc. or anything else regarding the world of New Pulp, feel free to drop me a line and we’ll do our best to answer your query on the show.

And that’s it for another week, Loyal Airmen, as ever, thanks for stopping by.

Ron – Over & Out!

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