

  • On 31 Jul | '2015

Greetings Loyal Airmen and welcome to another Flight Log.  The summer season is usually looked upon by the movie going public as the traditional time for blockbuster films.  You know, action driven over-the-top adventures and thus far this season we’ve been given several such from AVENGERS – AGE OF ULTRON,  JURASSIC PARK – LOST WORLD, TERMINATOR – GENESIS and most recently, the totally fun ANT-MAN.  And trust me there are lots more on their was like the latest Tom Cruise MISSION IMPOSSIBLE – ROGUE NATION to the big film version of MAN FROM UNCLE.  And believe me, the Air Chief is excited to see them as well.


Still, amidst all these battles and explosions and dinosaurs eating stupid tourists, it is fun to sit back and enjoy a smaller-scaled, more thoughtful movie.  Earlier we had that in the creepy little sci-fi cautionary tale, X-MACHINA.  A truly brilliant film.  And now comes MR. HOLMES, a warm-hearted tale of the Great Detective dealing with a failing memory in his attempting to solve the mystery of his very last case and why it emotionally devastated him.  Ian McKellen is nothing short of fantastic of the aged Holmes and he has terrific from his supporting players.  Valerie and the Air Chief were both mesmerized by this beautifully told story, both in narrative and visuals. It is without a doubt the real treasure of this movie-going and if we haven’t seen it yet, we urge you to do so.  You won’t be disappointed.


The other day, while a crew was doing some landscaping work to our back yard, an underground cable was accidentally broken that provides our internet, television and phone signals.  We called the provider and just a little while ago the tech arrived and repaired the broken section in a matter of minutes.  Thing is we were disconnected for about 18 hours.  Meaning no TV, regular land-line or internet access.  The first two were an annoyances at best as we do have cell phones and last evening, rather than watch our normal TV fare, we simple threw a few Blu-ray movies in the DVD machine.  No, what was the most frustrating to the Air Chief was not being able to get on-line. Considering some of the big projects we are now involved here at Airship 27, this inability to communicate had it lasted any length of time could have been a major set-up to our day to day goals.  Once again highlighted, whether we like it or not, we are a society very much dependent on these machines. And at times it is pretty scary just how much so.


For those of you interested in what the Air Chief has been writing lately, well we finally decided to write a story for our SINBAD – The New Voyages series. To date we’ve published three anthologies and one novel which features a black Sinbad and his international to crew feature a Viking, archer from Gaul and female samurai. We had created all these characters several years ago as a bible for our series and many of our talented Airship 27 Productions have put them through their paces.  Now as our turn. The story is called, “The Desert Contest,” and will appear in volume five.  We’ll keep you posted.  It was much fun to finally get our creative hands on these characters.  Up next is a new Brother Brother short of the Tommy Hancock benefit anthology, “Legends of New Pulp Fiction.”

Again, thanks for stopping by and we’ll see you here next week.

Ron – Over & Out!

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