

  • On 22 Mar | '2019


Greetings Loyal Airmen. We thought we’d kick off this week’s Flight Log with as yet another gorgeous illustrations by Cesar Feliciano of his characters from the graphic novel JIN & TONIK.  And most of you know, Cesar approached us last year with this idea for a graphic novel series about two deadly assassin. The first was trained in the disciplines of Asian martial arts and mysticism named Sammy Jin Zhu. The second, a beautiful woman born of science, i.e. an artificial womb wherein her body was completely enhanced thus making her pretty much super-human, her name Darya Tonikova. How these two become assassins, survive in two equally brutal environments and then ultimately find redemption is all part of what the Air Chief has been creating with Cesar. Honestly, we can’t wait to see this comic book come to life.


We are also very happy to announced the release of the “Domino Lady Vol 3.” This third anthology featuring the sexy classic masked avenger, features five new stories. One each by Adam Mudman Bezecny, Brad Mengel, Samantha Lienhard and two by Gene Moyers. Happing we brought back the art team from the first two volumes meaning James Lyle provided all the great interior illustrations and Ted Hammond the stunning cover above. Domino Lady is one of those classic pulp characters we loved doing at Airship 27 and we hope you will enjoy this new entry. Available from Amazon in both paperback and on Kindle. As ever, Loyal Airmen, thanks for your support.


Years ago, when starting our comics writing career we had the fun of doing a Popeye comic for a small comic outfit out of Rhode Island called Ocean Comics. Bob Palin, the owner hired us to write the script and then recruited a fellow named Ben Dunn, out of Texas to do the art. To this day, it is a comic the Air Chief has always been very happy to have done. And of course it began our friendship with Ben. Shortly after the Popeye project, Ben started his own comics company called Antarctic Press and two of the most popular series he both wrote and drew for it were Ninja High School and Warrior Nun Areala. The Air Chief soon became a fun of both series and collected them all. We have several Warrior Nun action figures on our bookshelves in the office.  So why are we bringing all thus up you ask? Well last year, a film producing outfit which now owns the rights to Warrior Nun sold a ten part Warrior Nun series to Netflix and it is currently being filmed in Spain. Several weeks ago this company flew Ben and his wife out to Spain to see the sets and meet the cast prior to their start up.  After getting home, Ben began posting pictures and the one above is of him and the nearly all female cast. Ben reports being delighted with what he saw and everyone he met and says the show will adhere to the story he created so many years ago. He feels pretty much like a kid in a candy store now, seeing his comic come to life.  And we couldn’t be any happier for him. He’s worked so hard all along to make his dreams come true and is an inspiration to all of us. Trust us, when the show does air on Netflix, the Air Chief and Val will be watching. We hope you are as well, Loyal Airmen.

And there you have it for this week, Loyal Airmen, as ever, thanks for stopping by. See you next week.

Ron – Over & Out!

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