

  • On 29 Mar | '2024

Greeting Loyal Airmen, as we come to the end of Holy Week and are about celebrate Easter, Val and the Air Chief wanted share a few our of pictures from our recent vacation in Fort Myers, Florida.


Fort Myers has a lot to offer tourists including the Edison & Ford estates where both men built beautiful winter homes and brought lots of attention to what was once a small Florida village. Above is the Air Chief and Val. To the right the Air Chief relaxes in the lobby of the Margarita Hotel on the beach.


To left is another shot the Margarita complex, the Atlantic in the background. To the right is Val with her siblings and their spouses. Front left to right, Val, her sister Barbara, her sister Sandy, Sandy’s husband Andy (really) and Desirare, married to Val’s brother Ronnie. Standing in back, again left to right, Air Chief, Barbara’s husband Gus and Ronnie. First time in many years Val was able to be reunited with family like this. Needless to say we all had a great time. Family is one of God’s greatest blessings to all of us.


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Above is page # 36 of issue # 1. Artist Cesar Feliciano has only two pages left to color. And our big news is we’ve added a great new member to our team. Artist Mike Belcher has signed on to letter this series. So once he finishes issue # 1, Cesar will start putting the Kickstarter campaign. Stay turned, Loyal Airmen, more as things progress.



With the Windy City Pulp & Paper con only two weeks away, Airship 27 continues to release exciting new titles. This week we offer up GEEZERS, a story about a group of Vietnam veterans living in a California senior facility who take on a bunch of secret communist terrorist in their community. It was written by Army vet Darryl Purcell, who also provided all the interior illustrations and artist Adam Shaw whipped up that wonderful cover (above left). This one is a special title for the Air Chief as well. As ever available at Amazon in paperback and on Kindle.



We are currently half-way through the script for CHIVALRY, INC. # 2. As artist Javier Lugo had finished issue # 1 over a week ago, we were nudged to get # 2 done so as to keep him busy. Chuckle. Sit tight, Javier. It’s on its way. Oh, and above are two of the supporting cast, Father Peter Dumont and Donat Richer, an ex-cop.


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Morgan Freeman as a Catholic Cardinal continues his guest appearance in The Boston Bombers Vol 2 Issue # 2 courtesy of the amazing Rob Davis.  This comic is gorgeous and only a few more pages from completion. Wahoo!



We are writing this on Holy Thursday of Holy Week. The night we Catholics celebrate the Eucharist, when our Lord Jesus shared his last supper with his apostles and gave them his body and blood. The following day, he would complete the Father’s mission and die on that cross for you and me. For the salvation of our souls. It is our wish that all of you have a truly beautiful and blessed Easter Sunday, seeing in your hearts that He Has Risen!!!  Alleluia!!

Ron – Over & Out!



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