- On 9 Feb | '2024
Greetings Loyal Airmen, here we are in the month of February and things are humming along.
On Monday afternoon, the Air Chief wrapped up the sixth and final script to “Beyond the Stars.” It was the end of a two year journey. We hand off the scripts to artists Andrea Bormida and Mike Belcher. Keping in mind, the Kickstarter for issue # 3 is only days away now. Now on to “Jin & Tonik,” “The Boston Bombers Vol 2,” “The Crimson Nun,” “Chivalry Inc,” “Mister Jigsaw 20,”….etc. etc. etc. etc. A comic writer’s work is never done. Ha.
The Air Chief goofed last week when announcing the date for the Kickstarter, campaign. It isn’t the 16th, it started this past Tuesday, the 6th. Below is the link to where you can check it out. Note, the goal for this (and the other title Beah) is only $2,500. We’d like to think we’ve enough loyal fans out there to make this one go smoothly. Above right is Andrea Bormida’s original cover, with logo and word blurb by letterer Mike Belcher. (It also features a special silver foil.) To the left is one of two alternate covers, this one by Kevin West. There is a third on the way by pal Rob Davis, but it has yet to be colored. We love them all. The campaign only last a few days, so please share the link with your comic loving friends. And as always, thanks so much for all your continued support. (
We mentioned letterer Mike Belcher above. The Air Chief can’t stress how important good lettering is to any comic book. It joins the story and the art, merging them seamlessly. And Mike is a master letterer. He’s also a dynamite artist as his own take on Warrior Supreme Kal (above right) proves.
Meanwhile down in Florida, artist Cesar Feliciano continues to beautifully color his amazing pages for “Jin & Tonik” number one. Valerie absolutely loves these pages and like the Air Chief, we can’t wait to see this book finished in published. You Loyal Airmen are going to be amazed with what we’ve cooked up for you. Count on it!
And that’s it for this week, Loyal Airmen. Hope all you sports fan out there have a great Super Bowl Sunday and next week we Catholics start our Advent Season. On St. Valentine’s Day no less. Which seems rather appropriate, as the greatest love known to mankind, was that of our Lord Jesus Christ for every single one of us. God bless and see you next Friday.
Ron – Over & Out!