

  • On 25 Dec | '2015


MERRY CHRISTMAS LOYAL AIRMEN!!  The Air Chief wishes all of you a truly super wonderful Christmas, hoping each and everyone of you is able to spend it with family and loved ones. That Santa has been able to surprise you with some fun gifts under the tree this morning.  And to all our brave service men and women in the military, whether protecting us at home or on foreign soil, God bless you and and thank you for your patriotic service. You will always be in our prayers.


And now it’s time for the Air Chief to offer all you Loyal Airmen a truly amazing gift. If you’ve been following us all year, you’ll recall that half-way through summer it was learned that our good friend, Tommy Hancock, writer/editor of Pro Se Productions was in ill-health. He’s since had corrective heart surgery and is doing much better but none of that lifted the burden of heavy hospital and other medical bills that started piling up on Tommy and his family. He’s got several kids and this last half of the year has been really rough on all of them. Well, again repeating what you probably already know, the Air Chief, Rob Davis and Associate Editors Jaime Ramos & Todd Jones decided to produce a giant benefit book and put out the call to the entire New Pulp Community. With a few days we had 62 writers signed on to write stories and we ultimately found 31 artists to help illustrate each and every single one of them. In the end we ended up with a book that counts in at 830 pages. Airship 27 Productions’ biggest title ever. And we were blessed to get super painter Doug Klauba to paint the cover for us.  (See above.) It is of a writer being inspired by a muse. Well, Loyal Airmen, we wrapped up the entire project a few days ago and LEGENDS OF NEW PULP FICTION is now on sale at Amazon in both hard copy and on Kindle. It sells for $25.99 – with every single penny of profit made on the book going straight to Tommy and his family. So, dear kind and generous Loyal Airmen, if you’d like to help out a struggling family and at the same time obtain what is by far the grandest treasure chest of New Pulp fiction eve assembled, then head on over to Amazon right now.  And THANK YOU.  Oh, and before you ask, yes, the Air Chief does have a brand new story in it; one featuring our Undead Avenger, Brother Bones.


And finally, happy holidays greetings from Valerie & the Air Chief. to all of you. It’s been a great year. See you back here in seven when we greet the new one.

Ron – Over & Out!

HAPPY NEW YEAR! arrow-right
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