
Greetings Loyal Airmen, and welcome to this week's Flight Log.  This week we are thrilled to announce the release of the first new Mr. Jigsaw comic strip in well over thirty years ago.


The CHARLTON ARROW # 2 published by Mort Todd of Maine is a book devoted to that great little comic company from Derby Conn. where so many of us got our start.  The origin of Mr.Jigsaw by the Air Chief and artist Gary Kato was our second sale to Charlton and appeared as the cover story to SCARY TALES # 38, in full color.  Since then, all his subsequent appearances have been in black and white.  Ergo our excitement of seeing him in color again.


And here's we are holding the book open to that special new Jiggy story.  We truly hope all our Mr. Jigsaw fans will pick up at copy.  It is available at ( and thanks again to editor/publisher Mort Todd, who by the way, also was the colorist.  He did such an amazing job, both the Air Chief and Gary were thrilled.  Oh, and as a tease, we are right now doing a new Mr. Jigsaw story for Todd's newest title CHARLTON ACTION coming out soon.  Of course all these tales will be featured still in our regular Mr. Jigsaw black and white series as well.


Sticking with our comics, almost ten years ago artist Rob Davis and the Air Chief created the adult horror graphic novel, DAUGHTER OF DRACULA and have kept it print ever since.  It continues to sell for us as its audience grows by word of mouth. Recently we sold lots of copies at Pulp Fest in Columbus.  Enough so that we thought it was time to do up a brand new edition and make available for the very first time from Amazon.  And that's what we did.  Above are the covers for the new Amazon edition, note we also lowered the old price on the book.  Again, please, this is an ADULT graphic novel, not for little ones. It tells the highly charged love story between Marya, the Daughter of Dracula and Manfred von Richthofen, the famous German Ace known as the Red Baron during World War One.  If you've never read it, we hope you'll try this brand new edition.  As ever, thanks for your continued support.


And finally we end this week's Flight Log with some truly exciting news concerning the PULP FACTORY AWARDS.  These awards are handed by the Yahoo Group Pulp Factory, made up of new pulp fans, writers, artists and editors and presented each year at the Windy City Pulp & Paper Show.  For the past five years the PFAs only covered three categories; Best Pulp Novel, Best Pulp Short Story, Best Pulp Cover & Best Interior Illustrations.  This year the group has okayed a fourth award (see one of the past statues above) in BEST PULP COLLECTION.  This will cover both anthologies, as written by multiple writers and single author collections.  If a traditional anthology wins, the award will go to the editor, if it is a single author collection, then of course the award goes to that writer.  We ere extremely excited about this as the PFAs have become a huge part of the New Pulp Community in helping to make the work of New Pulp writers and artists better recognized throughout the world.

And there you have it for this week, Loyal Airmen, as we move closer to Labor Day and the end of summer.   Schools are open once again here in Colorado and seeing children of all ages rushing about every morning has been a pleasant reminder that Fall is on the way.  Our good luck to all of you with kids in school, or even if its you that is still a student.  We hope the coming semester is both enjoyable and positive.

Ron – Over & Out!

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