

  • On 1 Mar | '2024

Greetings Loyal Airmen, in another week or so, Valerie and the Air Chief will be off to Florida to visit family and enjoy the warm sunshine and beaches. A real get-away vacation from the cold and winter here in Colorado. But before then, we’ve still tons of good stuff coming way, ala our latest Airship 27 release.


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STRONG ADVENTURES was written by Tyler Aufhammer and features his new pulp hero, Harvey Strong. Sort of an Indiana Jones kind of adventurer. The book features three of his stories and the cover and interior illustrations (above) were all handled by artist Ron Hill. Book is now available at Amazon in both paperback and on Kindle. As always, Loyal Airmen, thanks so much for your support.



Artist Rob Davis continues his stunning work on issue # 2 of The Boston Bombers Vol 2. At one point in the script, female priest Mother Jordan Pirelle is summoned to meet a black Bishop. In our script we suggested to Rob that he use actor Morgan Freeman as his model. As you can see by the two panels above left, Rob once again delivered beautifully.



We just had a short story accepted by Pulp Adventures. It features, with his permission, writer Percival Constantine’s character, Myth Hunter Elisa Hill. His Myth Hunter books are all available at Amazon. Last we looked there were six of them.


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Artist Andrea Bormida continued to work up beautiful pages for issue # 4 as seen above while the funding campaign for issue # 3 is coming to a speedy end. As of today, we only need $539 to reach our goal. The campaign ends Monday 4th of March. ( Thanks for your support, Loyal Airmen.



Artist Javier Lugo has begun roughing out the pages to issue # 1 of our CHIVARLY, INC. That’s Javier above and our gal. Now below are Javier’s roughs. Sorry they are so light.

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Hopefully you Loyal Airmen can see how much work has gone into these pencils and how they are going to rock once inked and colored. Javier (that’s him above) and the Air Chief hooked up ages ago on a short 16 pg vampire comic based on a small budget independent film and had a great time. Over those intervening years, his art has matured greatly and this comic will easily be his best work yet. Stay tuned Loyal Airmen, Chivalry Inc. is on its way.

And that’s it for this week, Loyal Airmen.  Again, let me remind you, we need $539 before Monday to get issue # 3 of BEYOND THE STARS funded. The link is above. Please, over the next few days help us spread the word and get this over the top. Thanks ever.

Ron – Over & Out!



  • On 23 Feb | '2024

Greetings Loyal Airmen, as always we’ve got tons of wonderful artwork and other goodies to share with you. So let’s get cracking.



All twenty-two pages of this first issue have been penciled and inked by artist Jesse Thomas. As of today he has only six pages left to color and then the entire issue goes to artist Mike Belcher who will add the lettering. And then it’s finished and off to Ben Dunn at Antarctic Press. Note, artist Fred Lang is hard at work on the cover and when you see it, trust the Air Chief, it will blow you way.


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Artist Andrea Bormida continues his stellar work on issue # 4 as seen above. Note since going from Kickstarter to Fund My Comic for launching issue # 3, that shift allowed Silverline Comics to drop the money goal from $2,500 to $2,000.  Still, at present only 38% of that has been raised. Meaning only $776 of that 2,000 needed. The campaign ends officially ends March 4th. Only 10 days left to go. Not a happy picture my friends.



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Artist Cesar Feliciano’s coloring work on “Jin & Tonik” continues to a key scene in our opening story. Such beautiful work.



The Air Chief recently was notified by his alumni group that our 60th high school graduation reunion is happening in June. Ronald J. Fortier (above left at 17) graduated from the first ever class of Saint Thomas Aquinas High School in1964. STA was a parochial high school opened four years earlier in 1960 in Dover, New Hampshire. That’s the Air Chief (above right at 77). Lots of water has passed under the bridge of life during the past sixty years. Happily the most it has been an amazing, blessed life. And yes, Valerie and the Air Chief are planning on going back home to attend this special reunion. Lots of memories are anchored in that old building and it will be wonderful go back one more time. Wish us luck.

Ron – Over & Out!


  • On 16 Feb | '2024

Greeting Loyal Airmen, we’ve big news. BEYOND THE STARS is no longer at Kickstarter. The publisher made a decision to switch to Fund My Comic. Here’s the link.  Here’s is the new link to the new site. ( Please do spread the word to your friends and families who enjoy solid sci-fi action. Thanks ever.


Remember, the only place you can pick up the special foil cover (above right) will be by pledging for the Fund My Comic site.  ( We still need all your help.



Artist Joe Arnold continues his work on the Brother Bones graphic novel (above right) and we coudn’t be more excited. The painting (above left) is a wonderful piece by Canadian Steve Otis we’ve had in the files for a while now and thought we’d share it with all of you while reporting on the comics progress.



Artist Rob Davis continues is fantastic work on issue # 2 of THE BOSTON BOMBERS Vol 2 # 2. We are constantly blown away with how beautiful his storytelling art is.



Artist Jesse Thomas continues to amaze us with his work on The Crimson Nun issue # 1. From pencils, to inks to colors, he’s doing such an amazingly beautiful job with this project. Can’t wait to have it finished and off to Antarctic Press and finally into your hands, Loyal Airmen. Stay tuned.


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More great paged colored by the amazing Cesar Feliciano.



And finally, we’re happy to announce the release the newest Airship 27 Production title, “Shadows of Love” by R.A. Jones, with artist James Lyle doing all the interior spot illustration and that fantastic cover above. Considering this is our very first romance novel, it coming out the day after Valentine’s Day seemed rather appropriate. As ever available at Amazon and on Kindle. And as ever, thanks for your support, Loyal Airmen.  And that’s a wrap for this week. Phew…we’re tired.

Ron – Over & Out!

Greetings Loyal Airmen, here we are in the month of February and things are humming along.


On Monday afternoon, the Air Chief wrapped up the sixth and final script to “Beyond the Stars.” It was the end of a two year journey. We hand off the scripts to artists Andrea Bormida and Mike Belcher. Keping in mind, the Kickstarter for issue # 3 is only days away now. Now on to “Jin & Tonik,” “The Boston Bombers Vol 2,” “The Crimson Nun,” “Chivalry Inc,” “Mister Jigsaw 20,”….etc. etc. etc. etc. A comic writer’s work is never done. Ha.



The Air Chief goofed last week when announcing the date for the Kickstarter, campaign. It isn’t the 16th, it started this past Tuesday, the 6th. Below is the link to where you can check it out. Note, the goal for this (and the other title Beah) is only $2,500.  We’d like to think we’ve enough loyal fans out there to make this one go smoothly. Above right is Andrea Bormida’s original cover, with logo and word blurb by letterer Mike Belcher. (It also features a special silver foil.) To the left is one of two alternate covers, this one by Kevin West. There is a third on the way by pal Rob Davis, but it has yet to be colored. We love them all. The campaign only last a few days, so please share the link with your comic loving friends. And as always, thanks so much for all your continued support. (


We mentioned letterer Mike Belcher above. The Air Chief can’t stress how important good lettering is to any comic book. It joins the story and the art, merging them seamlessly. And Mike is a master letterer. He’s also a dynamite artist as his own take on Warrior Supreme Kal (above right) proves.


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Meanwhile down in Florida, artist Cesar Feliciano continues to beautifully color his amazing pages for “Jin & Tonik” number one. Valerie absolutely loves these pages and like the Air Chief, we can’t wait to see this book finished in published. You Loyal Airmen are going to be amazed with what we’ve cooked up for you. Count on it!

And that’s it for this week, Loyal Airmen.  Hope all you sports fan out there have a great Super Bowl Sunday and next week we Catholics start our Advent Season. On St. Valentine’s Day no less. Which seems rather appropriate, as the greatest love known to mankind, was that of our Lord Jesus Christ for every single one of us.  God bless and see you next Friday.

Ron – Over & Out!



  • On 2 Feb | '2024

Greetings Loyal Airmen, things are rolling along fast at Hangar 27. It seems like just yesterday we were celebrating the new year, and now one month is already in the rear-view mirror. So let’s see what’s been popping both in comics and pulps.


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Artist Cesar Feliciano continues his wonderful coloring over his pages of JIN & TONIK # 1. He’s quickly reaching the finale of this issue. Then it’s lettering and off to our Kickstarter. The Air Chief is still wound up about this project. Stay tuned.



So while artist Andrea Bormida continues to pump out fantastic new artwork for issue # 4 (above left) the Air Chief, along with the rest of the Silverline Comics crew has been busy promoting the new Kickstarter Campaign which will launch Feb 16 for BTS # 3. If you Loyal Airmen would like to check this out on You Tube, here’s the link. ( Feel free to leave a comment. And as always thanks so much for your continued support.


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Hopefully in another week or so, we’ll be announcing the release of writer Darryle Purcell’s latest thriller “Apocalypse 1953.” Where is isn’t quite ready yet, we thought we’d tease you Loyal Airmen with a look at the back over …and an interior illustration by artist Jeff Dobberpuhl.  This is Jeff’s first work for Airship 27 and it won’t be the last.

Alright, that’s it for this week, Loyal Airmen. We hope you’ll check out our video, brave men behind enemy lines sacrificed to bring you that video. Well, not really, but you get the idea. Chuckle. And as ever thanks for stopping by.

Ron – Over & Out!



  • On 26 Jan | '2024

Greetings Loyal Airmen, well it looks like the New Year isn’t slowing up one bit as we’ve got lots of things to talk about today. So lets get rolling with a bit of humor.


Recently our grandson, Alex, has to register his truck and get new plates. No big deal, right. Then he goes to the DMV office and they hand him the plate above with the letters DWI.  Ha. Alex has a wonderful sense of humor and took it all in stride. For the record, he doesn’t drink and is an excellent drive. Of course we in the family all got a good laugh when he we first saw his new plate. As Valerie always says, “You can’t make this stuff up.”



As we’ve indicated in previous weeks, the Kickstarter campaign for the third issue of BEYOND THE STARS by yours truly, artist Andrea Bormida and letterer Mike Belcher will kick off on Feb. Again, this is the half way mark in this six part mini-series. Above right, are pencils for pg # 4 of issue # 4. Rest assured, Andrea is whipping them out fast as all of us are geared up to see the entire series completed and in your hands, Loyal Airmen. But as ever we can’t do that without your support. As of today the actual pre-campaign is at the Kickstarter site at the link below. Please, go to it and hit the NOTIFY ME button. The Air Chief would love to see at least 100 taps on that button before we launch. As ever, thanks for all your continued support. (



While artist Jesse Thomas continues his stellar work on THE CRIMSON NUN.  Wow, just wow!!


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Artist Cesar Feliciano continues to blow us away with the great coloring job he is doing on his pages for our new series JIN & TONIK. Last we looked, he’s only about ten pages left and then its on to lettering and Kickstarter. Stay tuned Loyal Airmen, you are going to love JIN & TONIK.



We’ve also been hyping another never before completed from our far away past, CHIVALRY, INC. A few weeks ago we plastered this page with illustrations of Valerie Chevalier by other artists who came and went on the project. Well today, this is something special. The official first poster for the Silverline Comics series coming your way as written by the Air Chief, Illustrated by Javier Lugo with letters by Mike Belcher and colors by Aiden Belcher. Note, Valerie lives in Montreal and that’s a hockey tee she’s wearing under her jacket. Can you guess which team? Stay tuned Loyal Airmen, we’ve Javier’s first pencils for this three issue mini-series and they are beautiful.

And that’s a wrap for this week, Loyal Airmen. As ever thanks for stopping by, and please spread the word about the new soon to start campaign for BEYOND THE STARS # 3!!

Ron – Over & Out!


  • On 19 Jan | '2024

Greetings Loyal Airmen, as the Air Chief pens this entry, more than half the country is in a winter deep freeze while the North East Coast of New England has suffered tremendous flooding damage. Truly horrific and our prayers go out to those who have lost property and had to endure this truly cruel start to the new year. Here’s hoping, the weather changes to be better for all of soon.



Artist Jesse Thomas continues his amazing work on Crimson Nun # 1 and has completed (pencils, inks and colors) to the first eleven pages of this 22 page first issue. We are truly in awe of his work and he’s made our script look amazing. Thanks so much, Jesse.



So here’s the first poster promotion for the completed Issue # 3.  Bringing us to the half-way mark in this six-issue series. The official Kickstarter campaign to fund the book will launch on Feb 16th. Worry not, Loyal Airmen we’ll keep you posted. And of course truly appreciated your support once again.


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Meanwhile in Italy, artist Andrew Bormida has begun work on his pencils for issue # 4 of BEYOND THE STARS. Here are the first three pages of that issue. We are psyched. His work on his project has been his best comic art ever.


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Artist Cesar Feliciano continues to do a bang-up job coloring his amazing artwork on “Jin & Tonik” issue # 1. This is our spy-thriller which runs to over 30 pgs. He’s got a bit more to do and then on to lettering. We remain really excited about seeing this series launched. Stay tuned, Loyal Airmen.



While on the pulp front, Airship 27 has just released its second title of 2024, “Domino Lady” Vol # 5. This one contains five stories of the sexy masked avenger by writers Gene Moyers, George Tackes, Gene Popa and Fred Adams Jr. Artist Warren Montgomery provided all the art for this one, from the twelve black and white interiors to that gorgeous color (above left). The book is now available in paperback and Kindle from Amazon. As ever, Loyal Airmen, thanks so very, very much for your continued support. Looks like the New Year is off to a great start.

And that’s a very full Flight Log for this week, Loyal Airmen. Thanks again for stopping by and we’ll see you again this time next Friday.

Ron – Over & Out!!



  • On 12 Jan | '2024

Greetings Loyal Airmen, the Air Chief is terribly excited to let you know we’ve just released our first Airship 27 title for 2024. Oh yeah. Read on, McDuff! (See we had Shakespear in school too.)



Airship 27 is so proud to announce the release of “JEZEBEL JOHNSTON – CAPTAIN JOHNSTON” the 9th book in the Pirate Queen saga by Pulp Grandmaster Nancy Hansen. In this chapter, her daring Jezebel finally gets her own ship and crew and begins to start the next and most exciting stage of her pirate career. Historically accurate in every detail, these books are amazing reads. As ever our own Art Director Rob Davis provided all the black and white interior illustrations, (above middle) while Canadian artist Ted Hammond the absolutely gorgeous cover (above left). If it looks even a wee bit familiar, that’s only because way back when, Ted did the cover to Volume 4 “MOURNING STAR” for us and the Air Chief has always loved it. Enough so that we went back to Ted and asked if he’d like to do a second for us and he delivered. Note, this book is dedicated to his daughter, Stephanie, who passed away in 2023. As ever it is available now at Amazon in both paperback and on Kindle. Again, thanks for your continued support Loyal Airmen.



The Air Chief has been a huge Luke Combs fan for several years now. We believe he’s one of the best Country Western singers/songwriters working today and love all of his music. Recently, we thought we’d use some of Santa presented Amazon cards and buy Luke’s two latest CDs, “Growing Up” and “Getting Old.” When ordering them on-line, we thought it strange that the cover photos looked very, very much alike. It wasn’t until the CDs arrived yesterday that we realized…putting them side by side, they formed on continuous image. (See above.) Someone in his group is a very creative designer. We can’t wait to listen to them. So, what kind of music do you Loyal Airmen enjoy?



Our son Kevin and his wife Melanie love bulldogs and ever since they married, they’ve always had one. Whereas several years back to acquired a brother a sister, Maxi and Zuko. A few days ago he sent along this pix of them which the Air Chief found adorable and wanted to share with all of you. Dogs are such beautiful and loving creatures.

Alright Loyal Airmen, we’ll end this short Flight Log here. Things have been hopping around the old Airship 27 Hangar with lots of great new story submissions coming our way. And after launching Nancy’s new Jezebel Johnston title, you can expect to several others popping up soon enough. It’s looking like 2024 is going to be a busy year. So stay with us.

Ron – Over & Out!


  • On 5 Jan | '2024

Greetings Loyal Airmen and welcome to our first Flight Log of 2024. Have a few updates as ever to share with all of you, so let’s get cracking.


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After finally launching the second Volume of Boston Bombers last year (color cover above), artist Rob Davis hasn’t wasted any time getting to work on the second issue of this mini-series we are doing via his Redbud Studio. That’s a new page for issue # 3 (above right). Not exactly sure how many issues this volume will run. With Rob hard a work illustrating issue # 2, we wrapped writing issue # 3 about a month ago. The plan, the series will take as many issues as is needed to tell the story. Guess you could say the Air Chief believes each story, like water, finds its only perfect level. Stay tuned.



One of the many projects the Air Chief is excited about in 2024 is the new Brother Bones graphic novel which will for the first time detail his origin. Artist pal Joe Arnold, who recently wrapped up the second issue of Mike Baron’s amazing “Thin Blue Line” is the driving force behind this push to get Bones out there. He’ll be handling the art chores (that’s his poster above middle) while our amigo, Todd Jones, will be assuming the role of Associate Editor on the project. The story will be broken up ala a mini-series and get the Kickstarter Treatment. We’ll provide further information as it starts to happen. Above upper left is faux-cover done up by Kenneth Stock, the Bones fan who actually cast that Brother Bones bronze figure in the picture (above right).



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In last week’s entry we told you how artist Javier Lugo was in the process of illustrating the first issue of “Chivalry, Inc.” a new series we are doing for Silverline Comics. Now the word “new” is by no means accurate in regards to the age of this concept. Much like my thirty years of waiting to get “Satan’s Ways” realized this was another one of those projects that we’ve tried to get made for decades. Along the way several truly talented artist tried their hands of Valerie Chevalier and her supporting cast, to include ex-cop Donat Richer and Catholic priest Father Dumont. Sadly, as wonderful as their art was (a small sampling shown above) for whatever reasons, these folks simply could not stick the project and so the Chivalry folder kept adding lots of great new art, but no comic. And now, with all fingers tightly crossed, that’s all about to change. Meanwhile, we thought it would be fun to open that folder and share some of that marvelous art with all you Loyal Airmen.



On New Year’s Eve, Valerie and there Air Chief watched  the movie “John Carter” again. Every time we do, we are transported to that time when we were young and first discovered Burroughs and John Carter Tars Tarkas and the beautiful Dejah Thoris.  It was a magic time in our life and that movie allows us to relive it. That’s movie magic.

And there you have our first Flight Log of the New Year Loyal Airmen. As ever thanks for stopping by and we’ll see you back here next Friday.

Ron – Over & Lout!


  • On 29 Dec | '2023


Greetings Loyal Airmen, we hope all of you had a truly wonderful Christmas. We are writing the start of this Flight Log the day after and wanted to share a few little bits with all of you. As ever we received lots of beautiful, loving Christmas cards whereas the one that made us laugh aloud arrived from son Scott, which you see above left. Too funny Scott. And if you’re at all curious as to what Santa brought the Air Chief, there were lots of great Amazon gift cards which we appreciate so much, being the avid reader we are. Then on opening gifts under the tree there indeed were several fun surprises like the Lainey Wilson CD Album, “Bell Bottom Country.” Her song, “Heart Like a Truck” is one of our favorite the past few months. Then we received a new Funko Pop, this one of Spike Spiegel from the classic anime series “Cowboy Bebob.” While over the years the Air Chief has contributed a half dozen comic strips to pal Warren Montgomery’s comic series, “Fun Adventure Comics.” Well, Warren collected all of them in one huge omnibus and someone in the family saw it on or Amazon wish list. Oh yeah. Way to go Santa. We hope all you Loyal Airmen also received some wonderful surprises as well.


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We are thrilled to inform you that Florida based artist Javier Lugo has begun work in earnest on “Chivalry Inc.” This is another one of those projects we created decades ago about a female private eye that for one reason or another simply could not get off the ground, though several super talented artists worked with us on it in the past. Now Javier is on board as is Silverline Comics which will be published the mini-series. Above is the symbol for Valerie Chevalier’s agency, Chivalry Inc. “For People in Need.” A sketch of Valerie and the roughs of pg # 1 by Javier. Yes, Loyal Airmen, we are really excited about this one. Look out 2024, here comes Chivalry!



Just received the final story for “The Adventures of Radio Rita – Vol 2.” Hot dog!! Ready for new flying adventures with the redheaded ace of Hangar 27? Oh yeah. This volume’s writer are Curtis Fernlund, Gene Moyers, Glen Held and Samantha Lienhard. As ever, this will be one of many great new titles we have coming your way in 2024 from Airship 27 Production. Stay tuned.

And that’s a wrap for this, the last week of 2023, Loyal Airmen. As always, thanks for stopping by weekly. We truly appreciated all your support and wish you and all your loved ones a truly Happy New Year.



Ron – Over & Out!