- On 23 Feb | '2024
Greetings Loyal Airmen, as always we’ve got tons of wonderful artwork and other goodies to share with you. So let’s get cracking.
All twenty-two pages of this first issue have been penciled and inked by artist Jesse Thomas. As of today he has only six pages left to color and then the entire issue goes to artist Mike Belcher who will add the lettering. And then it’s finished and off to Ben Dunn at Antarctic Press. Note, artist Fred Lang is hard at work on the cover and when you see it, trust the Air Chief, it will blow you way.
Artist Andrea Bormida continues his stellar work on issue # 4 as seen above. Note since going from Kickstarter to Fund My Comic for launching issue # 3, that shift allowed Silverline Comics to drop the money goal from $2,500 to $2,000. Still, at present only 38% of that has been raised. Meaning only $776 of that 2,000 needed. The campaign ends officially ends March 4th. Only 10 days left to go. Not a happy picture my friends.
Artist Cesar Feliciano’s coloring work on “Jin & Tonik” continues to a key scene in our opening story. Such beautiful work.
The Air Chief recently was notified by his alumni group that our 60th high school graduation reunion is happening in June. Ronald J. Fortier (above left at 17) graduated from the first ever class of Saint Thomas Aquinas High School in1964. STA was a parochial high school opened four years earlier in 1960 in Dover, New Hampshire. That’s the Air Chief (above right at 77). Lots of water has passed under the bridge of life during the past sixty years. Happily the most it has been an amazing, blessed life. And yes, Valerie and the Air Chief are planning on going back home to attend this special reunion. Lots of memories are anchored in that old building and it will be wonderful go back one more time. Wish us luck.
Ron – Over & Out!