

  • On 10 Nov | '2017

Greetings Loyal Airmen, a while back we told you that our latest Brother Bones adventure, “Then and Now,” would soon be appearing in Pulp Adventures # 26.  Well that book is out now and on sale at Amazon. We received our comp copies in the mail the other day.


Editor Rich Harvey once again did a magnificent job the the books layout outs. It’s a beautiful package.


The story is illustrated by three beautiful pieces done by artist Ed Coutts and tells a story from Brother Bones sordid past as Cape Noire hitman Tommy Bonello and the woman he might have loved had things been different. We are damn proud of the story and hope you Loyal Airmen will check it out.


This past Sunday was the Air Chief’s birthday and beside the over 300 well wishes on Facebook, we got a few nifty little gifts, some Amazon gift cards from daughter Michelle and her crew and the above new giant sized Harley Quinn coffee mug from Valerie, which we love. That thing holds a ton of coffee, oh yeah.


And daughter Heather gave me this oh so cool Letscom Smart Bracelet that monitors lots of things to include how many steps the Air Chief takes per day, the quality of our sleep at night, heart rate…etc.etc.etc.  Isn’t technology amazing? Apparently she wants her Old Dad to say healthy. And that’s the plan.


Then today, Tuesday, we woke up to find Mother Nature had baked me a delayed cake.  How do you like her “frosting”?


After a long period of inactivity, Airship 27 Productions has just released its latest title, a weird western novel by Greg Hatcher called THE SILVER RIDERS. It features a beautiful Adam Shaw cover with nine black and white interior illustrations by Chris Kohler.  Book is now available at Amazon in paperback and will soon be on Kindle. If you like your westerns with a taste of the bizarre, you might want to pick up a copy.

And wraps up another busy week at Hangar 27, Loyal Airmen.  Thanks for stopping by as ever, see you next week.

Ron – Over & Out!!

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