
Greetings Loyal Airmen, with Labor Day behind us, Fall has pretty much arrived and as ever that brings about all kinds of changes. Not the least of which is schools are open again, from the grade schools on through to high schools and colleges. Here in Fort Collins, the Air Chief is back to teaching his How To Write Comics course at the Front Range Community College and we have our biggest class yet with seven students.  We’ve done two classes thus far and these five men and two young ladies are extremely talented and enthusiastic about becoming comic book writers.


Meanwhile, artist buddy, Mike Belcher is continuing to work on our 40s style masked avenger, Nightshift. Here are two sketches, one of him in his fighting togs and the other as Todd Jones, radio personality. Of course Todd Jones is the name of one of the Air Chief’s best friends. Thought we’d tip our fedora in his direction.


Meanwhile three of the Air Chief’s project are moving along production-wise. Top left is page two of our western, “The Silent Gun,” art by Cesar Madarro. In the center, Pg # 1 of the 3rd and final issue of “Paradise Falls,” art by John Williams and finally on the right is Pg # 2 of the 2nd issue of “Black Lion,” art by Kevin Johnson. As you keep see, the Air Chief is keeping busy not only teaching comics, but actually writing them as well.


Several years ago, our oldest son, Scott, found this Fortier crest on-line.  We always thought it was pretty cool and have always suspected our ancestry goes back through French Quebec and then directly to France. Earlier today the Air Chief was studying the images on the crest and realized those were grapes on the right side of the shield.  Hmm, could our ancestors had a winery. We immediately went on-line, punched in the words FORTIER – WINE and voila up popped these images of wines bottled under the Fortier-Picard label.



Now how cool is that. Next challenge, find out where in France this vineyard is located. Obviously the Air Chief would like nothing better than to take a trip there…and taste the family treasure.

And that’s all for this week, Loyal Airmen, as ever thanks for stopping by. Will see you here next Friday.

Ron – Over & Out!

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