

  • On 7 Aug | '2015

Greetings Loyal Airmen, well with Pulp Fest only two weeks away, the Air Chief and Chief Engineer Rob Davis are extremely busy getting last minute jobs wrapped up so that we are ready to travel to Columbus, OH and join many of you Loyal Airmen and our other pulp colleagues for this annual, super fun convention.


At the same time we are re-stocking our Airship 27 pulp inventory to take along, Rob spent part of the past weekend working on the newest issue (# 5) of Redbud Studio’s RON FORTIER’S TALES OF THE MACABRE. We’ve four new stories in this latest issue and Rob whipped up this wonderful drawing for our cover. And once again, there’s Ye Old Air Chief resplendent in his fancy duds and top hat, stuck away in his secret laboratory reading the latest Mad Scientist Times.  We truly loved this piece and it is currently being colored by Casey Beamis who worked on our I.V. Frost comic from Redbud.  Stay tuned.  With any luck this title will soon be available.


We are currently putting together Nancy Hansen’s amazing pirate novel – JEZEBEL JOHNSTON – Devil’s Handmaid, which we hope to have out upon our return to Hangar 27 after the Pulp Fest show. Art Director Rob Davis has been whipping up the interior illustrations and above is his latest which is a truly imaginative use of an old sailing map of the southern Florida coast beneath the silhouette of a pirate ship. Just another example at why Rob is a master of illustrating.


Okay, now it’s time for one of the Air Chief’s rare rants. In the past few months the following has happened to us twice. We received the following letters in the mail, yeah, the postal snail-mail, each began like so, “Dear Mr. Fortier, I’ve been having a hard time finding you on-line. Whereas writer John Doe (not real name here) told me about your publishing house, as he is one of your regular contributors, and I would like to send you my story idea for such-and-such….etc.etc.  Now, let’s stop and think this through. Is the Air Chief really that hard to find on-line? We ask you to Google our name and see what pops up. The last time we did try this, at least twenty different links to one or more of our various websites popped, all of which, had either of these gentlemen visited, would have provided them with our valid e-mail.  No, we are most certainly not hard to find. Of course then comes the piece of in-your-face logic that had us smacking our heads. If writer Joe Doe told you about us, then why didn’t either of you ask HIM for our contact information? Frustration is a mild description of our reaction to reading both these letters. Again, they were from two different writers sent almost a month apart. We really worry about this new crop of writers. Obviously logic and reason are not their strong points.  Sigh.


And lastly, for this final Flight Log before we head out to Pulp Fest, we are delighted to announce the release of our newest Airship 27 Productions pulp novel, CLAWS OF THE GOLDEN DRAGON by Barbara Doran. A great Asian themed fantasy adventure our readers are going to love. Interiors are by Gary Kato and the cover is by Shane Evans. Available now in hard copy from Amazon and soon for Kindle.

There you have Loyal Airmen. The Airship 27 is almost all packed and fueled up.  Look out Columbus and Pulp Fest….here we come!

Ron – Over and Out!

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