- On 17 May | '2024
Greetings Loyal Airmen, the Air Chief is thrilled to announce the launch of the funding campaign for issue number one of JIN & TONIK by yours truly and artist/creator Cesar Feliciano.
The official campaign launches at 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, Friday night, 17th May. Below you’ll find a link to the site. Up front, thanks so much for all your support, Loyal Airmen. It means the world to me, Cesar, Matt & Mike.
Meanwhile artist Jesse Thomas isn’t wasting any time getting issue two of THE CRIMSON NUN underway. Over the past weekend he delivered rough thumbnails of all twenty-two pages of that second issue. Above are pages one and two. We are psyched. Meanwhile, Ben Dunn at Antarctic Press is busy putting together the funding campaign for issue number one which he hopes to launch at the start of summer. No worries, Loyal Airmen, we will keep you posted.
With issue# 3 of BEYOND THE STARS published and out, artist Andrea Bormida is working feverishly on getting issue # 4 into your hands. Above is the completed Pg 11, meaning he’s now half-way through the issue. We’ll keep you posted. Trust us, Loyal Airmen, the action is only heating up.
While jumping through hoops getting up a brand new PC, the Air Chief did manage to get some writing in. We finished script #2 for the western series HAMLET’S END we are doing pal, artist Zane DeGaine. Believe me this is a rip-roaring shoot’em up. Hopefully we’ll see issue # 1 out in Nov to debut at the Rocky Mountain Con in Denver. All fingers crossed.
And that’s it for this week, Loyal Airmen. Again, as always, thanks for all your support. Do check out the campaign for JIN & TONIK.
Till next week, Ron – Over & Out!