- On 10 Feb | '2023
Greetings Loyal Airmen, we’re really excited to announce that the 18th issue of Mr. Jigsaw, Man of a Thousand Parts has been completed and hopefully will be published by the start of March. In this one we chose to start the story at our friend Rick Lowell’s great comic book shop in Portland, Maine.
And of course it wouldn’t be right to do this story without having Rick and his lovely wife Laura, appear as well. For those of you who follow the series, this one is follow up on a story we did way back in Issue # 15 where Jiggy’s friend, Dan Miller, got a job writing Mr. Jigsaw comics for Last Ember Press. Well that first issue is out and so Rick has invited Dan and Jiggy to his store to debut the first issue with a personal appearance. With fingers out the actual comic will be out by early March. We’ll keep you posted.
Meanwhile back on the comics front, artist Olivia DeGaine is plowing ahead with her pencils for out latest story of Raizee the Ram and his vulture sidekick, Orai. Above are the first two features of a story called “Flatlands” which will be featured in issue # 3.
Truly happy to announce, after a lengthy hiatus (working on other projects) Italian artist Andrea Bormida has completed the roughs for Pg #19 of our series BEYOND THE STARS # 2. All that remains is three more pages and that issue will be completed. Wahoo!!! Andrea’s work constantly amazes me.
And now we offer up the first page of JIN & TONIK completed. After Matt Webb did such an amazing job with his colors, artist Cesar Feliciano sat down and add the lettering. And as we’ve always said, the letters are what merge the script with the art. So now we have a comic book in production. WAHOOO!
And that’s it for this week, Loyal Airmen. Pretty much a comics only entry, though we do have several new Airship 27 pulp titles nearing completion and hopefully we’ll be able to announce those soon. Till then take care, stay safe and God Bless.
Ron – Over & Out!