- On 17 Nov | '2023
Greetings Loyal Airmen, last weekend Val and the Air Chief were once again guest at the Rocky Mountain Con in Denver as put on by our dear friend Tim Moret. This was the 10th anniversary of the con and we’ve only ever missed one. This was by far the best ever.
Upper left Val holds down the fort…er…our tables. We had lots of comics and pulps and before those two days were gone half this inventory was gone. One of our first visitors at the show was well know Cos-Player HeatherAfter in her Black Window guise. Happy to snap a photo with the Air Chief.
Also appearing at the show was one of my former writing students and now college girl, Gabriella Saenz and her dad, Arthur. Last year Gaby actually did the spot illustration for one of our Airship 27 titles, “Flatiron Death Grip” by Peggy Chambers. Gaby is a guest at most local cons now, her art is beautiful.
Then we had our good friend artist Guy Davis, who is also an Airship 27 illustrator, having worked on writer Nancy Hansen’s fantasy series, “The Silver Pentacle.” Hopefully will having working on the third entry in the saga.
Then we have artist and 20 yr. army veteran, Kevin Johnson. Several years ago, he and the Air Chief produced the action adventure graphic novel Black Lion. Since then Kevin has devoted his time to his stunning paintings with lots of his work appearing in galleries around at the country. At one point in the show, Kevin stopped by our table and suggested the possibility of our doing another comic project together. We are totally on board with that. Oh, yeah.
Among other well known guest at the show were Mike Baron, (at left) creator of Nexus and The Badger. Busy these days doing his own comics which are big hits as expected. Then there’s Marvel veteran, Bob Hall (at right) still busy drawing sketches for fans. An all around great guy.
Believe us, there’s no lacking of local talent here in Colorado. Hailing from Fort Collins are writer/artist Abe Akin (Left above) and our Official Protege himself, Todd Jones (Right above). These super talented gents are good friends and it is always exciting to see their latest work.
And finally, seated across the aisle from us were the created husband and wife comics team, Olivia and Zane Degaine of Pulp Fission. Olivia and the Air Chief produce the fantasy comic “Th Wooden Blade” while Zane and the Air Chief are hard at work on a new western to be called “Hamlet’s Inn.” In fact, as in the past several years, we went to the show with them, as their truck is the one vehicle that can carry all their gear and ours as well. They are dear friends and Val and the Air Chief are so happy they chose to settle here in Fort Collins.
As for the Air Chief’s sales over the two day show, the three big sellers were the anthology “Dracula – Unfanged” in regards to prose, then the graphic novel, “Daughter of Dracula.” It’s obvious vampires are still a thing. This was followed by my pulp series Brother Bones titles. We actually sold out of several volumes. Then the always popular Sherlock Holmes anthology “Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Was Not.” We did sell a bunch of other comics, but the constant seller is the Mr. Jigsaw How to Make a Comic special. We want to thank all the gracious fans who stopped by our table and made the event so successful. Honestly, Loyal Airmen, we just couldn’t do this without.
We’ve told this story several times in the past few weeks. Thirty years ago the Air Chief wrote a 48 script featuring a new comic character, Satin Wei, a Chinese thief who was raised in Hong Kong then fled to America to escape her life of crime. It was intended for Gary Reed and Calibre Press. Sadly, before that project could be launched, Reed opted not to go through with it and that script languished in our files. Over the years several other artists tried to bring it to life, include Chilean Gonzalo Martinez who had helped design Satin. In the end he did complete an 8 pg Satin Wei adventure. Now, thanks to our lifelong partner on Mr. Jigsaw, artist Gary Kato had drawn that story and we had it published via Amazon where it is now available for purchase. Note we also included Gonzalo’s 8 pager as a bonus back up feature and Redbud Managing Editor Rob Davis did the cover based on an old composition by Gonzalo. We are so happy to finally ave this out. And we hope you’ll give it a look-see.
Recently my second cousin, Ricky sent me these photos of his son, Blake, who is obviously a huge Spiderman fan and has enough energy for a bunch of superheroes. Way to go, Blake!!! Never ever lose that imagination of yours, it’s fantastic.
This one of the final pages of issue # 3!! Artist Andrea Bormida has only two more to complete and then the book is off to letterer Mike Belcher. After that off to Roland Man and Silverline Comics for another Kickstarter Campaign. Thus bringing us to the half-way mark of this six-issue mini series!!!
What with Satin’s Ways finally in print, the Air Chief got to thinking how cinematic the story is and how it could easily be adapted to a short, independent 90 minute movie. So we’re putting out the word on social media to any enterprising young filmmaker out there. If interested in such a project, give us a holler.
And that, dear Loyal Airmen is our Flight Log for this week. As ever thanks for stopping by, see you next Friday and God Bless.
Ron – Over & Out!