Greetings Loyal Airmen, as most of you know, the Air Chief treasures nothing more in this world than his family and last week was super special for us. Our gran-daughter Cora’s husband, Calvin, after being deployed with his Colorado National Guard Brigade for a year in the Middle East, came home. Above is son Alan, grand-son Alex, Calvin, Cora, Valerie and the Air Chief. Note, while Calvin was overseas, Cora volunteered to act as a liaison between the families and the Army. It was a demanding job and she did with grace and efficiency. Enough so that during the welcoming home ceremony for the Brigade, the Army surprised her with a special plaque commemorating her self-less service to the unit. Like husband, like we. All of us are so proud of them both, as we are of all our men and women in uniform. God continue to bless and protect and one day bring them all home.
The big news is after two years in production (one year for the Air Chief to write the script and another for artist Zane DeGaine to draw all 24 pgs) our first issue of “Hamlet’s End” is now up at Kickstarter for the next month as a funding campaign. You can support us by going to link below and donating whatever you can. Believe me, Loyal Airmen, the independent market is more crowded than ever and there are hundreds of such campaigns vying for your pennies. It’s our hope that you will check out the Kickstarter page and deem our western tale worthy of your support. And please, do share the link with your friends and family. The more people who see it the better our chances of success.
Meanwhile down in Floriday, artist Javier Lugo continues to work his artistic magic on our “Chivalry Inc” series for Silverline Comics. Javier has just finished his rough outlines for issue # 2, of which those three pages above are a part of. Again this is a 3 part mini-series about a Canadian police detective and the unusual ability she acquires after being shot. Jesse Hasan provides inks and Mickey Clausen colors.
And let’s not forget artist Andrea Bormida, and his colorist friend Angelo, as they continue to work the fifth issue of our six issue mini-series “Beyond the Stars” also coming from Silverline Comics. They are doing a magnificent job. Above are pages 7 – 8 – 9. Stay tuned Loyal Airmen, it’s only going to get better.
Meanwhile artist/creator Cesar Feliciano continues to knock out fantastic pages for our “Jin & Tonik” spy series issue # 2. While associate colorist Matt Webb brings the black and white pages to vibrant life.
The Air Chief is thrilled to announce the latest pulp title from Airship 27 Production. Vol 10 of our highly popular Mystery Men (& Women) series featuring four brand new stories featuring of some of the most original and at times bizarre heroes. Above are the covers (back and front) provided by Art Director Rob Davis, who also did all the interior illustrations. Writers featured are Teel James Glenn, Jonathan Sweet, Carson Demmans, Harding McFadden & Eleanor Hawkins. Book is now available at Amazon in paperback and will soon be on Kindle. As ever, we thank you Loyal Airmen for your continued support.
And finally, we want to thank the good people at Kickstarter for spotlighting Hamlet’s End as one of their best picks for the past week. When you consider hundreds of new comics arrive at Kickstarter every week, having them personally single out a title is a big deal and hopefully will translate into our reaching a wider audience with the dollars to help support us.
And that’s it for this week, Loyal Airmen, as ever thanks so much for stopping by and we’ll see you all back here next Friday morning. Ron – Over & Out!