

  • On 29 Nov | '2019

Greeting Loyal Airmen, yesterday was Thanksgiving and we truly hope all of you were able to celebrate the holiday with your friends and loved ones. Our prayer is also that all our brave men and women serving overseas away from their own families had a good day and were lifted up in prayer by all Americans for their service.


On Monday afternoon cold weather from Canada came rolling down the Rockies and started dumping lots and lots…and LOTS of snow on Colorado.  By Monday evening we were kissing the 15 inches mark. See photo of ruler above. Tuesday morning the Air Chief awoke with this view out his office window. That’s our Suburu to the right under its own blanket of white. Oh yeah, Mother Nature’s Thanksgiving gift to all of here in Colorado. Nothing to do but hunker down and enjoy the view.


The big event of the past week was the release of our latest writing project, a book containing our Memoirs of our almost fifty years in the writing comic books. Our dear friend, fellow writer Todd Jones, had been urging us to do such a project ever since we moved here to Fort Collins. Todd is a great guy and loves hearing the Air Chief spin his stories about some of the many experiences we’ve had along the way. Finally, Valerie, our better half, decided to chime in supporting Todd’s arguments that we write such a book. Eventually giving in, we sat down four months ago and began doing a chronological outline from the time we first discovered comics to today. Then our pal artist Rob Davis was gracious enough to take on the assignment of designing, illustrating and editing the project. He did a truly fantastic job. It looks great.


Above left, Air Chief and Rob Davis, to right a sample page from the book itself, as designed and illustrated by Rob. It really is a beautiful package. Today the book is available at Amazon in both paperback and on Kindle. We truly hope you Loyal Airmen will check it out. Hey, it certainly makes for a Christmas gift to any of your friends who love comics like we do. Thanks ever.

Finally, today is the notoriously dubbed Black Friday wherein merchants go hog-wild in trying to sell us everything under the sun for what they claim are fantastic deals we simply can’t afford to miss.  Well, Loyal Airmen, the Air Chief doesn’t wonder in all this hoopla to buy-buy-buy we aren’t actually missing what the season is really all about. We’ve just celebrated the day on which we give thanks for the intangible things in our lives, our friends, family, good health etc. etc. The precious things money can never buy. And that is just a lead in to Christmas, a Christian time of reflection when we should think of what happened over two thousand years ago in the town of Bethlehem. To us was born a Savior, come to free us from sin and teach us how much our creator, God the Father, truly loves each and everyone of us. We are his children. As this holiday season opens, our prayer is that all our Loyal Airmen will receive it with the joy of open hearts with peace and good will to all.  Amen.

Ron – Over & Out!

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